SAP Program UA_BWRRI_REPORT - Product Design Cost Estimate: Display Objects

This report generates a presentation of a multilevel, costedbill of material for thosesystem users who do not normally perform cost estimates themselves (forexample, project managers, design engineers, buyers).

You can integrate the report using thereport-report interface inthe SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW).
The report-report interface enables an online connection to be createdto a data provider inside or outside the SAP BW. Data providers can betransactions, queries, reports, or Web addresses. The system takes theparameterization of the connection from the context of cell from whichthe connection is established. You can select the assigned dataproviders in the BEx Analyzer from the context menu Goto.

You have made all necessary settings for sender/receiver assignments inthe BEx Analyzer.
If the data basis containsposting levels, theirvalues must be transferred as parameters.

You can select the data basis and the object type with this report instand-alone operation.
You select the required objects using a wizard.
If required, the report also offers a selection option for the postinglevel.

The output is only in display mode. Data changes are not possible.
The standard functions of the SAP List Viewer (export, layout) aresupported. You can set up a detail view for objects, values, tables,which is similar to a view of a cost estimate in the workingenvironment.