Title Archiving program for TRM_RES. Purpose This report archives logged off resources> thathave been in the sites> for the specifiedresistance time. Using this program, it is possible to archive resources in severalsites simultaneously. However, the resources of each site will bearchived seperately. For test purposes you can display a summary list of the number ofresources that will be archived and deleted from the system beforeinitiating the process.Prerequisites We recommend that you do not start this report directly, but ratherwith the transaction /nSARA which initializes the general archivingadministration program. The archive report creates the archives and then starts the deletionprogram as a job for each archive. The size of the archive files canbe set in advance. You can use transaction /nSARA to set up the system for archiving asfollows: Check the path and archive names that are in the platform-independenttable of archive names. The system then references a logical data paththat you can maintain as a system parameter. Create variants for the archiving report. Define the size of the archive file in MB and/or limit the maximumnumber of resources per archive file. If you want to save the archive optically, you have to maintain thedata for optical archiving as well. Features Output If you select the option: Test, the system will display a summary logof the total number of resources with the depending records from eachtable that could be archived. When you start the archiving report tousing the transaction /nSARA, the system does not display a log online. In any case, you have to maintain the spool data and can decide whetheryou want the summary of the archived and deleted documents to beprinted or stored in a spool file. |