SAP Program TFW_DX_TEMPLATE_CHANGES - TFW: Mass Distribution of Template Changes

The purpose of this report is to distribute the mass data changes,resulting from changes made to templates or mini-templates, inparticular to external systems, such as R/3 or BW.
For this purpose, the table TFW_DX_MINITP represents a worklist, whichshould be processed by the report. Once processing has been carried outsuccessfully, the entries are removed from this table again.

The template framework provides the table TFW_DX_MINITP for you to fillin your implementation of method GET_UPDATE_INFO of the BAdITFW_TEMPLATE_UPDATE.
This report uses the method DISTRIBUTE of the BAdI TFW_DISTRIBUTE inorder to distribute the changes.
Selected entries from the table TFW_DX_MINITP for which the methodDISTRIBUTE of the BAdI TFW_DISTRIBUTE confirms successful processing,are deleted from the table TFW_DX_MINITP.
You may be requested to schedule the report, for example, when you arenearly finished implementing method GET_UPDATE_INFO.

It makes sense to schedule the report so that the entries of theworklist are processed.
If you do generally not require any data to be distributed for atemplate framework application object, the relevant implementations ofthe BAdI TFW_TEMPLATE_UPDATE can be deactivated.

Application object: You can select the application objects defined inthe Customizing of the template framework.
Object key: the entries in the table TFW_DX_MINITP have an object keythat can be used as a selection criterion. For test purposes, processingshould be limited to individual records.
Time: From; Time: To: The entries in TFW_DX_MINITP have a time stamp sothat they can be processed in chronological order. The selectioncriteria for time should therefore be filled only for the purpose oftesting, but not in the case of productive variants.
Settings for parallel processing: The report uses parallel processing onseveral servers because it must be possible, if necessary, to processlarge amounts of data. You can define the maximum number of processesthat can be used by the report if your system administrator has defineda logon and server group.

A standard variant is not delivered because the logon and server grouphas to be defined for each system.

The change that was carried out is issued in the application log. Youcan find the entries under transaction SLG1, object = TFW, sub-object =