SAP Program TAC_TRAINING_RESULTS_LSO - Course Results Overview

This report displays a list of all course results for a specifiedcourse type.

You can specify the course type whose results overview you wantdisplayed. You specify the reporting period in the Storage Date fields.

The report's list screen contains the following information:

  • Test results at the levels of the test and learning objectives of all
  • participants who participated in a course of the course typesspecified.
    • Course participation document

    • Score achieved by the participant at the levels of the test and the
    • learning objective
      • Maximum score achievable at the levels of the test and the learning
      • objective
        • Percentage result of the participant at the levels of the test and the
        • learning objective
          • Cut-off value for passing a test or learning objective

          • Total score achieved by all participants at the level of the item
          • Activities
            Enter the required data and choose Execute.