SAP Program SXI_SELECT_INTERFACES - XI: Selection of Interfaces from the Integration Builder

XI: Selection of interfaces from the Integration Repository andclassification into 'B2B/A2A' and others

This report checks the quality of XI-based application content.
It is usually performed by application developers, quality management,or people who are familiar with the quality check prior to the shipmentof application development XI content.
No special authorization is required since data is only being read.

Prerequisites for the report are XI 3.0 in the application system and anactive connection to the corresponding Integration Repository at thetime of the check.


Data Selection

  • Software component versions * (* = wildcard characters supported)

  • Namespace *

  • Interface names*

  • ,,from the Integration Repository

    All interfaces are read from the Integration Repository by means of theselection criteria.
    Only interfaces from namespaces that contain the word 'global' in theirname are counted as B2B or A2A interfaces.

    Hierarchical, interactive list output where the interfaces are listedand subdivided into 'B2B','A2A', and others, including subtotals and afinal total.