SAP Program SXIVERI_PROXY_METADATA_EXPIMP - Import/Export of Proxy Metadata

Report for exporting or importing metadata for proxy generation.
The following tables are used:





  • You specify whether the metadata is to be imported or exported by usinga radio button.
    When exporting, all metadata that satisfies the selection criteria isselected and written to the specified file on the SAP Front End.
    When importing, the specified field is read from the SAP Front End andinitially just displayed as a list.
    Choosing Save writes the data to one of the database tables mentionedabove.


    Message: Import will overwrite any existing metadata

    Any existing metadata will be overwritten when you import new metadata.
    SAP recommends that you export all data (*) to a security file beforeyou begin importing. This ensures that you can return to the statusbefore the import, should any errors occur.