SAP Program CRMM_ISA_SET_GEOCODING_INFO - Fill Table "CRM_ISA_BP_GEO" with Geocoding Information for Stores

CRMM_ISA_SET_GEOCODING_INFO is used to fill the table CRM_ISA_BP_GEOwith geocoding information (longitude, latitude) for business partners.
These coordinates can be used to calculate the distance between twoentities (that is stores) to determine the nearest one(s).

You determine geocoding information by using a geocoding program that isconnected via the Geocoding Framework. For further information, seeCustomizing for SAP NetWeaver under General settings -> SetGeocoding.

You can choose between the following selection criteria to start thereport:

  • Reference Business Partner refers to the business partner number
  • of the business partner.
    • Relationship Category refers to a relationship category.

    • Business Partner offers the possibility of reprocessing business
    • partners for which the determination of geocoding information failed,for example because of missing or wrong address information.
      You can choose Display current Coordinates to show the content ofthe table CRM_ISA_BP_GEO. A green button indicates the correctdetermination of geocoding information for one or more business partnersA red button indicates an error during determination.
      Errors can be the result of a geocoding program that is not workingproperly, or missing, insufficent or wrong address data for the businesspartner. If this is the case, correct the error and rerun the report.