Title Selection reports for displaying data from Schedule Manager as aMiniApp>. You require this report to display compressed data fromthe Schedule Manager as a MiniApp> in the Workplace.Purpose Based on your chosen selections, the report creates lists that you candisplay as MiniApps. Integration Schedule Manager (Transaction SCMA)>: In this application youcreate data for a specific task list. The report can read and displaythis data. Background processing: (Transaction SM37): >Jobsscheduled in background administration can be read and displayed as alist. You cannot enter a task list in this selection.Prerequisites Corresponding runtime data must be available for selection by thereport (see Integration). Selection
- Selection date (required entry field)
- Task list (optional)
- Application (optional)
- Indicator: 'Active tasks only' (optional)
- Choice of list type: List of all tasks, statistics, overall status
Standard_variants Today's date is defaulted for the selection date and 'List of alltasks' is set as the output type. Output An ALV-List> is generated that displays the selected data indifferently levels of detail.Activities No futher Customizing settings are required. Example In the task list 'DEMO' in Schedule Manager, you scheduled a job todaythat was successfully completed. If you enter today's date and tasklist 'DEMO' as selection parameters for the report, you receive asingle-line list for this job.