SAP Program SRM_RECORD_SYNC - To Synchronize Records with its Record Model

There are 3 Input parameters for the report. Of these the POIDDRID hasto be entered and then either of AREA or SPS ID is to be entered. Areashould be RMS application specific areas only else enter the SPS ID.
POIDDRID - Enter the POID Directory ID.
Right click on the record model in the history and select #Information#option. Then select #Technical Information# tab. At the end is the POIDDirectory ID.
AREA - Enter the Records Management specific area only.
For example S_AREA_RMS or S_AREA_CMG etc.
SPS ID - Enter the framework area Service Provider ID.
In the RM registry choose Application Registry and then the frameworkarea (S_AREA_FRAMEWORK). Here select the client framework of therequired area and then the corresponding SPS ID. For exampleSRM_RMS_CLIENTFRAME_WIN or SRM_RMS_CLIENTFRAME_WIN