SAP Program SPLDAP_DISPLAY_LOG_TABLES - Messages About Non-Exportable Data Records

Messages About Non-Exportable Data Records

With this report you can display the transport logs for the export ofdata records from an HR system to an LDAP-compatible directory service.
The system displays messages for the data records that it could notexport. It stores these messages in the tables TLDA_LOG (HR LDAP:Non-Exportable Data Records) and
TLDA_MSG (HR LDAP: Error Messages for Data in TableTLDA_LOG).

You have exported employee data records from an HR system to an LDAP-compatible directory service.


You can restrict the data selection using the following fields:

  • Logical System

  • LDAP Server

  • Personnel Nummer
  • Output
    The system displays the corresponding transport log.

    In the log, you can use the application log functions, for example youcan hide the program terminations.
    To find out how to use the functions, see the documentation on theSAP Web Application Server, under Basis Components -> BasisServices / Communication Interfaces (BC-SRV) -> Application Log(BC-SRV-BAL) -> Application Log: Notes for End Users (BC-SRV-BAL)
    In addition to the application log functions, you can use this reportto display the attribute-value pairs. To do this, choose DisplayAttribute-Value Pairs in the the application toolbar. The systemdisplays the pairs in a dialog box. To display the log again, chooseContinue.

    Further Notes
    If you want to delete the transport logs or individual data records inthem, use the report LDAP Directory:Deleting Export Logs (RPLDAP_CLEAN_UP_LOG_TABLES).