SAP Program SPCPC_SPOO_SERV_MASS_CHANGE - PAL Printer Spool Server Change

Change the Spool Server of a centrally managed PAL printer on a TargetSystem.

Please refer to SAP note 964501 for documentation on PAL.

A PAL printer has been distributed from a PAL Central System to thisSystem. Since PAL printers are centrally managed they can only bemodified from their Central System. During printer distribution processPAL chooses an appropriate Spool Server. However this server selectionmay not be desired by an administrator. This applies mostly in caseswhere an Access Method L or Access Method C printer is distributed.
By using this report the Spool Server of a PAL managed printer may bechanged on the System the PAL printer has been distributed to (TargetSystem).

Please specify at least the new Spool Server that is to be assigned tothe associated PAL printers. If you do not specify one or several PALprinters, the change will be applied to all available PAL printers onthis system.
Keep the flag 'Confirm before change' set to view and confirm a list ofPAL printers to be changed.
Uncheck the flag 'Confirm before change' to immediately perform thechange operation.