SAP Program SOTR_PROGRAM_01 - OTR Program

The report compares OTR texts in different systems (for example, tocheck transports). It also enables you to create a transport requestfor selected texts.

For the comparison to be correct, the same selections must be enteredon both selection screens for the download and upload.
Short Text/Long Text
Choose whether you want to compare short texts or long texts.
Only the first 3000 characters of long texts are compared, and internalformatting characters are not included.
Choose whether you want to temporarily store the data for thecomparison in a file (download) or whether you want to compare the datastored temporarily with that on the database (upload).
If transport errors occur, the comparison (upload) should be executedin the source system, that is, in the system from which the texts areto be transported. This enables you to create a transport requestdirectly from the program. Downloads should be executed in the targetsystem, that is, in the system into which the data was transportedincorrectly.
File Name
Enter the name of the file in which the data is to be temporarilystored.
You make selections regarding the texts on a subsequent screen.

Process Flow and Task:

  • Reads the data

  • Stores it in the specified file

  • Outputs a list of the data stored in the file

  • Upload
    • Reads the data from the specified file and from the database

    • Compares the data

    • Outputs a list of the different data:

    • Line 1: Checkbox, technical ID of the text, type of error
      Line 2: Length and the first 125 characters of the text from thedatabase (in the current system)
      Line 3: Length and the first 125 characters of the text from the file(from the system in which the download was executed).
      The following functions are available in the list:
      • (De)Select all

      • The Select all/Deselect all function enables you to select or deselectall texts.
        • Transport

        • The Transport function enables you to include all the selected texts ina transport request. A dialog box in which you enter a transportrequest appears first. The selected texts are included automatically inthe request.

575367Text changes are not transported