SAP Program COXPRA00 - EC-PCA: XPRA for maintaining TRWPR

CO: Automatic maintenance of RWIN control table

The program maintains the RWIN control tables TRWCI (installedcomponents) and TRWCA (active components) which control the RWinterface. In the process, the entries in client 000 are copied to allthe other clients stored in Table T000.
The entries for the following CO components will be maintained:

  • CO-PA: Cost-of-sales accounting

  • EC-PCA: Profit center accounting

  • CO-OI: Open item management

  • In addition, the entry GLIN is taken out of CO-OM as this componentis no longer available as of the current program version.
    You can rerun the program at any time, e.g. when it abends.