SAP Program COPYMGD1 - Copy Standard Function Group SAPLMGD1/SAPLMGD2 for the Material Master

You use this program to create a copy of one of the followingfunction groups:

  • MGD1

  • This function group contains the standard subscreens that come with thematerial master for industry.
    • MGD2

    • This function group contains the standard subscreens that come with thematerial master for retail.
      You can use this copy to create subscreens of your own.
      The name of the new function group may contain up to 25 characters.
      The program creates the following new objects:
      • Main program

      • Top include

      • The main program and top include contain references to standardincludes.
        The copy contains a sample screen. However, you can also copy othersubscreens from the function group, change the layout, and include newfields.

        When designing new subscreens of your own, note the following:

        • The screen must contain all the PBO (process before output) modules of
        • the sample screen.
          • If you want to create new PBO modules, you must position them between
          • module BEZEICHNUNGEN_LESEN and module SET_DATEN_SUB.
            • If you want to create new PAI (process after input) modules, you must
            • position them between module GET_DATEN_SUB and module SET_DATEN_SUB.
              • For each new field, you must include a FIELD statement between PAI
              • module GET_DATEN_SUB and PAI module SET_DATEN_SUB.
                • If you copy fields from another standard subscreen to a new screen, you
                • must also copy the relevant modules and any directly relevant fieldstogether with their modules.
                  In the case of new modules, please insert a new include in your newfunction group.
                  Any changes to standard includes are modifications.

44410Integrating cust.-specific fields in matl master