The report converts data for ITS objects from an old data format intothe new one, valid as of Basis release 6.4. It should run as XPRA, butcan also be submitted individually.

The conversion was required due to the integration of the ITS into thekernel of the Web Application Server. It has two effects:

  • In the old format, the HTML templates and Mime objects were stored in a
  • complicated way due to the early days of the SAP@Web Studio. For everyaccess, runtime-consuming conversions were required. With XPRA, theconversion is executed and the objects are stored in a format asexpected by the ITS plug-in.
    • Within the R/3 system, the old format did not offer a way of separating
    • development data from productive/active data. With the external ITS,this problem did not occur, because data had to be published to itanyway. With the integrated ITS, every change of data during developmentwould have immediately affected the application. In the new format,there are separate areas on the database.

      There are no parameters/no selection screen.

839820longpost:801 Internet service SPIGITSFL_DEMO