SAP Program SEUBBPOS - EMU Conversion RE: Insert VITAXA Table From EURO Rounding Records

This report reads records after the changeover to euro. For line itemscompleted before the changeover VITAXA-BYVVS = 1 was set. If, afterchangeover, the history is not complete, a record is added to VITAXA.The same procedure applies to VITAXA-BSBVS = 1 since no correctionitems existed for this before the conversion and it may be necessary toset a correction record in VITAXA after conversion. Thus you can easilyidentify where rounding errors occurred by means of the flags and thecorrection records.
The following table is affected:

  • VITAXA: Individual items for correction items
  • Precondition
    You have to run the report in the RECON phase of the local currencychangeover. You should only execute it once.