SAP Programs

Program Text
SDFERT01 PP Orders with Incorrect Links to Sales Orders
SDFERT02 Test Assembly Orders Marked for Deletion
SDFERT03 Reject Sales Orders with Assembly if Assembly Archived Too Early
SDFI_CONSISTENCY_CHECK Consistency Check: Billing Documents: Accounting
SDFPLA02 Sales Documents with Billing Plan: Store Data FPLA etc.
SDFPLAC1 Billing Plan Correction: Creating Deadlines
SDFPLAC2 Billing Plan Correction: Creating Deadlines
SDGEN SD Program Generation
SDGSAALE Create Test Workflow for Deliveries for Ext.Agents
SDINVLDL Edit Work List for Invoice Lists
SDINVOFM SDINVOFM: VOFM Routines: Create TFRM/T Entries Manually
SDINVUPDR Update Costs
SDKURS01 Corr. prog. for SD docs due to inconsistency in for. curr. translation
SDLABALE Auxiliary Report Schedule ROr/JIT according to ALE
SDLABEDI Create Test Workflow for ROr/JIT Component Suppliers
SDLAND01 Change characteristic value description in generic article matrix
SDLFGSA Correction Report Delivery Status/Target Dlvy Qty (OSS Note 339398)
SDLICFR1 Usage Rate of Tax Exemption Licenses
SDLIEFSPE Sales Documents Blocked for Delivery
SDLIKPDL Delete Sales Documents
SDLIKPRL Reload Sales Documents
SDLIKPWR Archive Sales Documents
SDLIPL01 Scheduling Agreement: Reorg. of Cumulative Delivered/Issued Qty
SDLIPL02 Scheduling Agreement: Reorg. of Cumulative Delivered/Issued Qty
SDLIPL_TEST_CDQ Test Cumulative Delivered Qty With and Without Reset at Fiscal Year
SDLIPL_TEST_CDQ_VC Analysis of fiscal year change: Change to variant C
SDMFSTRP Monitoring of quantity flow in third-party business transactions
SDMONI01 SD Monitor: Reset All Monitor Memory Flags
SDMONIPR SD Monitor - Logs
SDNETPR0 Create net price list
SDOC_COUNT1 Count Documents
SDOC_EMPTY_LINES_COUNT1 Determine Number of Empty Lines at End of Documents
SDOK_CHECK_CONTENT_FOR_INDEX Content Availability Check Using Indexing Requests
SDOK_CUST_MON_QUE_INDEXING Indexing, Queue Customizing, and Monitoring
SDOK_KPRO_DEMO_DOC_CREATE Report for Creating and Maintaining Document Models
SDOK_KPRO_DEMO_DOC_DISPLAY Report for Creating and Maintaining Document Models
SDOK_KPRO_DEMO_DOC_SEARCH Report for Creating and Maintaining Document Models
SDOK_QUEUES_DELETE Deletion of All Entries in the Queues
SDOK_QUEUE_LIST_ENTRIES Display of All/Selected Entries in Replication Queues
SDOK_QUEUE_MASTER_CONTROL SDOK Queueing: Control Program for Controlling Batch Activities
SDOK_QUEUE_TOOL_TESTSET Test Functions Queueing Tool
SDOK_SWITCH_INDEX_CLIENT Activation of Old or New Indexing Client
SDORDE01 Orders within time period
SDPACKD2 Label Printing for Packages
SDPACKDH Help program for express delivery company's print structure
SDPACKDR Label Printing for Packages
SDPACKLI Packaging list
SDPERS01 Create/change/display sales representative
SDPVGEN Generate Product Proposal
SDQUOT01 Expiring quotations
SDQUOT02 Expired quotations
SDQUOT03 Completed quotations
SDREBI01 Retro-billing
SDREBI01ALV Retro-Billing
SDREBI02 Retro-billing list: Creating the credit/debit memos
SDREPA01 Repairs processing: Generate repair items after goods receipt
SDREPSTAT Correction Program to Change the Repair Status
SDREPSTAT2 Correction Program to Change the Repair Status
SDRQCHCK Analysis tool for availability and transfer of requirements
SDRQCR21 Recovery of Sales and Delivery Requirements
SDRRAV01 Revenue Recognition: Post Revenue
SDRRAV05 Revenue Recognition: Cancel Revenue
SDRRAV50 Posting Document for Revenues
SDRRAV51N Revenue Recognition: Overview
SDRRAV52 Revenue Recognition: Inconsistency Check in Revenue Tables
SDRRAV53 Compare Report for Revenue Recognition
SDRRAV54 Revenue Recognition: Update SD Documents
SDRR_CORR_FRAMEWORK Revenue Recognition: Inconsistency Check in Revenue Tables
SDRR_CUSTOMIZING_CHECK Analysis of Customizing Settings for Revenue Recognition
SDRR_VF47_EXPORT Update Error Data from VF47
SDS060RA Reorganizing statistics for info structure S060
SDS060RB Reorganizing rebate-relevant data from billing documents
SDS060RC Settling rebate-relevant data in billing documents and S060
SDSAMAN4 Analysis of Transaction Logs
SDSAMAN4_LIKPUK Analysis of Transaction Logs
SDSAMANA Hit List: Notes in Collective Processing Logs
SDSAMPRO Log of Collective Run
SDSBWAPBMS Batch Process to Start Update Step for SBWAP
SDSBWAPRSWFS Self-Billing Reporting Tool Status Window Free Selection
SDSBWAPRSWUS SD Self-Billing Procedure, Maintain EDI Partner per User
SDSBWAPSMS Report to start update step for SBWAP
SDSBWAPSPS Report to Start a Verification Step
SDSDFI01 Compare report SD - FI
SDSPESTA Update Status Fields for Overall Block in VBUP and VBUK
SDSPESTA1 Update of total status fields for block
SDSPETEST Test Report for Status Fields of Total Blocks
SDSPETEST1 Test Report for Status Fields of Total Blocks
SDSPETEST2 Test Report for Status Fields of Total Blocks
SDSTAT01 SIS Transfer from V2 to V1
SDSTAT02 SIS Update for Infostructure: V1, V2, Online
Lines 53301 to 53400 of 57103 entries
1 532 533 534 535 536 572