SAP Program SD_COND_ARCH_WRITE - ADK: Archive Conditions: Write Program

The report SD_COND_ARCH_WRITE writes all conditions, which fulfill thearchivability requirements, from a range defined by the user in anarchive system. Once the conditions have been successfully written, youcan remove archived conditions from the database using the deletionreport SD_COND_ARCH_DELETE.

The report SD_COND_ARCH_WRITE is accessed using the transaction SARA in'ARCHIV DEVELOPMENT KIT' (ADK). The Customizing settings in thetransaction AOBJ define whether accessing the report SD_COND_ARCH_WRITEtriggers access of the associated deletion report SD_COND_ARCH_DELETE.In other situations, the deletion report is started manually using thetransaction SARA for archive files created by a write run.
The report initially contains the default restriction to usage 'A',pricing.

Archiving scope
The report SD_COND_ARCH_WRITE archives the database tables KONH, KONP,KONM, KONW and the structure KODATINFO. The structure KODATINFO archivesinformation on the validity periods DATAB and DATBI from the associatedcondition tables AXXX.

Archiving is possible for all

  • Conditions where the deletion indicator is set. These are archived
  • without check, and
    • Conditions that have exceeded the residence time.
    • Flow control
      Flow control can be defined as follows using the selection screen forthe report SD_COND_ARCH_WRITE:

      • Test run,

      • Update run,

      • A detailed log can be requested.
      • Prerequisites

        Customizing Settings
        The view V_T681H contains the definition of the residence time in daysfor each usage and application. Maintenance of the view V_T681H isoffered by the transaction SARA as "application-specific Customizing".In addition to defining residence times, you can also select a limiteddocument check (1.000.000 checks against the table KONV).


        Archiving Scope
        The archiving scope can be enhanced without making modifications usingthe integrated BADI exit 'ARC_SD_COND_WRITE' in the reportSD_COND_ARCH_WRITE.

        Archivability Check
        In addition to the standard archivability checks, you can also use theBADI exit 'ARC_SD_COND_CHECK' in the report SD_COND_ARCH_WRITE to extendthe archivability check without making modifications.

        The report SD_COND_ARCH_WRITE gives users the options of restricting therange of conditions to be archived by selecting the condition number,application, condition type and condition table number.


        You can generate the following output

        • Selection of a standard or detailed log. The detailed log also offers
        • you the results of the archivability check for each condition in tableformat.