SAP Program SDXPRA01 - Xpra for enhancing customer purchase order number

Up until Release 4.0 the purchase order number field used to be savedin the sales document header with a length of 20. Now it should besaved in the business data for the sales document in a length of 35(because of EDI). This means that as of Release 4.0, it can also beentered at item level.
The report reads through the whole of table VBAK and transports thefollowing fields into the new fields in table VBKD:
. vbak-bstnk --> vbkd-bstkd + vbkd-bstkd_m
. vbak-bsark --> vbkd-bsark
. vbak-bstdk --> vbkd-bstdk
. vbak-ihrez --> vbkd-ihrez
Processing takes place step by step:
100 VBAK records are read, then the corresponding VBKD records are
processed and updated. A DB Commit takes place after 200 packets.

XPRA doesn't run if the number of VBAK data records is greater than600,000 lines and an upgrade is active. XPRA has to run after theupgrade.
If a purchase order is read from CO, then XPRA has to run during theupgrade.
The query for this is:
T880-INDPO <> initial and (T000k-GSBK <> initial or
T000K-PCK <> intial ).