SAP Program SDVTTKRL - Reload Shipments

Information on the archiving of shipments is in expanded help and inthe hints on archiving (on the initial screen of shipment archiving viaGo to-->Hints or here).
This information should be read first. The technical documentation isthen understandable, since it is based on this info.

The reloading of shipments from the archive into the database happensanalogously to deletion:
After prepared measures in FORM PREPARE (Initialization, open archive),the archived shipments are read from the archive. While at deletion(Report SDVTTKDL), many shipment are read from thearchive, in order to delete them via mass DELETEs, here only one ship-ment after the other is read from the archive (COMMCNT = 1).
Since reloading forms the exception, this procedure is acceptable. Onenow has the advantage that one can document, shipment by shipment,whether reloading is successful or not (with mass INSERT for many ship-ments, one can not do this).
Thus, also a non-reloadable shipment can be moved into another archivefile (a shipment thus exists either only in the archive or only in thedatabase). This 'Error archive' contains only those non-reloadableshipments and can then be processed later.
After reading a shipment (form read_archived_shipments), it is insertedinto the database (form insert_archived_shipments) and logged (formprotocol_insertable_shipments).
At the end, the output of the log is done (for this topic, also seeDocu on report SDVTTKWR, Chapter 'Log management'.

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