SAP Program SDVBFA21 - Delete redundant document flow records after changing copy control

You can use this program to delete redundant document flow records fromdeliveries, goods issue and billing documents once you have changed thecopying control for sales documents.
You control the program run by entering values for the followingparamenters:

  • Sales document category

  • The program only processes the source sales documents that belong to asales document category. For example, it processes contracts as sourcedocuments if you enter G.
    • Sales document number

    • Choose either an individual source sales document or a range of salesdocument numbers for processing. It might be appropriate to call up theprogram more than once for individual documents or to create smallranges to improve system performance.
      • Perform update

      • Enter 'X' if you want the system to change the database, otherwise theprogram just simulates the changes.
        • Issue log

        • If you want a log for the changes that have been made or simulated,enter 'X'.

          Maintain the copying control for sales documents in Customizing:
          Change the value in the Update document flow field from'X' to '2' for all the relevant item categories.
          Example for contract release orders:
          Maintain all the relevant target documents (sales document type:release order) for the source document (sales document type: contract).Choose the item level and enter value '2' for all item categories.

          The program deletes all the redundant document flow records from thedatabase table VBFA and makes any necessary updates to the salesdocument items (for example, contract release order items) and deliveryitems in the VBAP and LIPS database tables.
          Note: The program does not delete a document flow record if its targetsales document (for example, the contract release order) has alreadybeen archived. This is because it cannot determine with certainty thatall the prerequisites were met.

500571Performance of document flow, contract and report SDVBFA21
105512Performance in contract document flows