SAP Program SDV03V02 - Rescheduling sales and stock transfer documents: by material

The 'Rescheduling' program (SDV03V02) processes sales document itemsthat are contained in the item directory for the material. It takes intoconsideration open items and schedule lines from stock transfer items,stock transfer scheduling agreements and purchase order requests (itemsonly), referred to hereafter as stock transfer documents, for theselected materials.
All sales documents for the material that are still open are selected.This means that the material index must be activated for at least allsales document types, whose items may have requirements. All stocktransfer documents or items for the material that are still open arealso selected. Open in this case means, for example, that there is nodeletion indicator, that the item from a stock transfer purchase orderrequest cannot be marked as completed or that the quantity delivered andposted to goods issue for the item in a stock transfer purchase order isthe same as the amount ordered. An availability check can only becarried out if a checking rule is assigned to the document type inCustomizing. If this is not the case, the document or document item isnot checked.
Checking rule 'A' is used as a basis for rescheduling sales orders.Exceptions to this are rush orders (they use checking rule B) and orderswith individual customer stock (they use checking rule AE). Stocktransfer documents use the scope of checks for the checking rule that isassigned in Customizing for Purchasing. It is important that the scopeof checks is consistent for both the stock transfer documents and thesales documents and that they do not exclude each other, as this canlead to incorrect test results. An example of an incorrect setting wouldbe: The scope of check for checking rule 'A' checks delivery schedulesfor stock transfer purchase orders and stock transfer purchase requests,however the scope of check for the checking rule for the stock transportscheduling agreement does not.
The items and schedule lines found in the selection are sorted accordingto 'Priorities' - document category, delivery priority, creation date ofthe item or schedule line (for stock transfer purchase orders anddelivery plans) entered on the selection screen or according to theschedule line date of the earliest schedule line with order quantity,document number, and item number and then transferred to theavailability check. Priority 1 is the highest priority and priority 5the lowest. Stock transfer purchase order requests are sorted afterstock transfer purchase orders and scheduling agreements, as they areless binding. This means that when you have identical sort criteria suchas delivery dates, the item from the stock transfer purchase order ischecked first and then the item from the stock transfer purchase orderrequest.
The preset option 'Unconfirmed documents required' only carries outrescheduling for materials for which there is at least one unconfirmedtransaction.
You can use the parameter 'Sorting criteria delivery date' to definewhether sorting is carried out with the order quantity after thecreation date of the item or the delivery date of the earliest scheduleline.
If you set the 'Simulation' indicator, the checked documents are notsaved. Instead a results list is generated and saved. However, theavailability check for the corresponding documents continues as ifsaving has taken place already, that is, the simulated list correspondsto the actual one.
Under 'Options' on the selection screen, specify whether sales documentsand/or stock transfer documents should be processed. For stock transferdocuments you can enter whether stock transfer purchase orders andscheduling agreements should be processed at item or schedule linelevel:

Processing at item level:
All open schedule lines for the item are read and collected, thentransferred to the availability check. To sort and prioritize documents,you do not need each individual schedule line. It is sufficient to havethe item or data from the first schedule line. All open schedule linesfor the item are processed and checked.
Example of processing at item level:
Sorting: Date (Delivery date first schedule line) - Document number -Document item
Doc. cat. Doc. number Doc. item Doc. schedule line Delivery date
PO 4500000012 10 0001 26.01.
PO 4500000012 10 0002 26.02.
PO 4500000025 20 0001 28.01.
PO 4500000025 20 0002 02.02.
You can see that the second schedule line for document 4500000025/20from 02.02. was processed after the second schedule line for document4500000012/10 from 26.02. This is because all open schedule lines for anitem are read and processed. The first schedule line from 4500000012/10has the earliest delivery date, therefore it has priority.

Processing at schedule line level:
Each open schedule line for an item is entered in document sorting inaccordance with the values entered under 'Priorities'. The availabilitycheck is carried out for each individual schedule line.
Example for processing at schedule line level:
Sorting: Date (Delivery date first schedule line) - Document number -Document item
Doc. cat. Doc. number Doc. item Doc. schedule line Delivery date
PO 4500000012 10 0001 26.01.
PO 4500000025 20 0001 28.01.
PO 4500000025 20 0002 02.02.
PO 4500000012 10 0002 26.02.
Here you can see that each schedule line was sorted according to itsdelivery date. Note that this type of processing requires more runtimedue to the individual checks and more frequent saving.
The results of rescheduling are saved, as long as the program was notstarted in simulation mode. When you call the program from the 'Sales'area menu or start it directly via the development environment, a dialogbox informs you that you have just started a process that changes data.You can then decide whether or not you want to continue.

Checking procedure for stock transfer documents:
An availability check of stock transfer documents in rescheduling iscarried out in accordance with the check carried out when manuallycreating a document. If, however, the required quantity for a scheduleline is not available on a particular date and will not be ready untillater, new schedule lines are created for the stock transfer purchaseorders and scheduling agreements, containing the relevant data. Newitems are created in this case for stock transfer purchase orderrequirements. The total sum of schedule line quantities for a processedschedule line corresponds to the schedule line quantity of the originalschedule line.
First example: Using a stock transfer purchase order item with aschedule line:
a) Status of item before rescheduling run:
Del. date PO quantity Confirmed qty Confirmed del. date
23.07. 50 items 0 items -
==> This now affects the stock/requirement situation:
- Goods issue is posted for the material in the delivering plant onthe 23.07.
- A purchase order of 10 items was created for the material in thedelivering plant. Delivery is expected on the 29.07.
b) Status of stock transfer purchase order item after rescheduling run:
Del. date PO quantity Confirmed qty Confirmed del. date
23.07. 40 items 40 items 23.07.
29.07. 10 items 10 items 29.07.
==> The first schedule line was changed in accordance with the resultsof the rescheduling availability check. Only 40 of the 50 original itemscould be delivered on the 23.07. Therefore, a new schedule line iscreated for the rest on the 29.07. for 10 confirmed items.
Second example: Same initial situation as the above example.
==> This now affects the stock/requirement situation:
A purchase order for 10 items is created for the material in thedelivering plant. Delivery is expected on the 29.07. A further purchaseshows another 40 planned items on the 30.07.
Status of stock transfer purchase order item after rescheduling run:
Del. date PO quantity Confirmed qty Confirmed del. date
29.07. 10 items 10 items 29.07.
30.07. 40 items 40 items 30.07.
==> The first schedule line was changed in accordance with the resultsof the rescheduling availability check. The original delivery date isset to the date confirmed in the ATP check. A new schedule line iscreated for the remaining 40 items that are available on the 30.07.

  • Any set fixed delivery date and quantity indicators and creation
  • indicators for schedule lines or items are 'inherited' by newly createdschedule lines. Assuming that the original schedule line was fixed inthe above example (since it is created manually), this indicator is alsoset for the newly created schedule line.
    • If shipping scheduling is activated for a stock transfer document type,
    • this is also implemented for newly created schedule lines, with theexception of route schedule determination. This means that in thecurrent version of the program, no route schedule has been determinedfor a schedule line containing a route schedule for which new schedulelines may need to be created.
      The results of the run are issued in the form of a list, which is alsosaved so that the results can be checked at a later date. This is doneusing the function 'Evaluate rescheduling', but it is only a good ideato do this after the first rescheduling has taken place. You canrestrict selection requirements but these can, however, affect theruntime. You can use this function to analyze the saved list until thenext rescheduling run, which overwrites the result. If you startrescheduling in the background, a spool file with the result listreferred to will be created (if the settings are made accordingly),which you can view in spool administration.

      Processing at document level:
      In your ERP system you use transportation scheduling in SAPTransportation Management (SAP TM). To achieve a reliable result, you sh
      ould always completely schedule sales orders in the transportationmanagement system.
      The rescheduling processes the sales order items according to theselected sort sequence. Generally, this means the items are individuallyprocessed and scheduled. As a result, you cannot request that the itemsbe shipped in the same transport or be consolidated, or that the datesare correlated.
      If you want a check run for each document, you must select the documentnumber as the first sort criterion.

      A list of changed documents, a list of documents in which an erroroccurred during processing and as a result were not changed, can becalled up via the menu 'Edit - Error log'. If in a subsequent evaluationa restricted selection is made, a note appears at the end of the list tosay that not all document items are displayed.
      You can set the scope of the list under the menu option 'List' in thelist display. You can view improvements, deteriorations, and the wholelist. Before the documents can be included in one or both of therestricted lists, the date or quantity has to have changed so that anitem can be included in both the list of improvements or deteriorations.
      You can use the interface for changing transactions and the order listto navigate. Use 'Back' to exit the list and 'New selection' to returnto the selection screen.

      You should only start this program occasionally and use very restrictedselection criteria during operations as it requires enormous systemresources.

      The columns for 'New date' and 'New confirmed qty' only contain entriesif the dates or quantities have changed.
      As the system only runs the change check (dates/quantities) per line inthe original list, an item whose backlog has increased may still appearin the list of improvements. This occurs, for example, if the wholequantity can be delivered at once but at a later date because the systemdetermines an increase for the line when it compares quantities.

395569CHECKLISTSD: Change outputs
821739FAQ : Rescheduling Transaction (V_V2) in Purchasing
822884Performance improvement for rescheduling
549064FAQ: Rescheduling and backorder updating in R/3
1138411Performance of rescheduling
920660Rescheduling: Results list contains double entries
957484Incorrect results in V_V2 without material/plant selection
856055Performance improvement for the rescheduling
847986Rescheduling performance
644789Overconfirmation in rescheduling with credit block
751677Program termination during manual backorder processing
498149FAQ: Availability check in purchasing
495863No rescheduling for orders created in CRM
492577CS: Short dump when rescheduling
90230Performance of rescheduling
422974Performance during reading of document conditions
377289CHECKLISTSD: Unrequired output processing
153667Performance SDV03V02
326037Bad performance in rescheduling/background processing
321954Performance in rescheduling
312152Planning check: Sales order <--> rescheduling
85535Incorrect Status in Sales Order
33084Confirmation during rescheduling