SAP Program SDV03R01 - List backorders in sales

The program 'List backorders' (SDV03R01) processes the orders which areincluded in Matchcode C (unconfirmed orders) in sales. The order itemsselected by the program are sorted according to delivery priority andare passed on to be checked for availability. However, in contrast to'Updating backorders' (Programm SDV03V01, which is called up byselecting Sales --> Environment --> Backorder processing), the resultsare not saved.
They are displayed in the form of a list, which is stored under thereport name along with the ID of the person who created it and the dateof creation so that the results can be called up at any time withoutcarrying out the complicated order processing again.
A credit limit check is carried out before the availability check inthe case of a block at header level (delivery block reason '01') ifthis block affects requirements. The document can only be furtherprocessed if the credit status of the customer concerned improves.
The orders are selected according to the key fields of the matchcode.Sales organization and distribution channel are obligatory fields.
You can control the scope of the selection with the parameter 'Allsales documents'. If it has been selected, the system also includesinquiries, quotations etc. in the list. The default setting means thatonly orders are taken into account.
The selection parameter 'Analyze existing list', which is the defaultsetting, enables you to call up a list which has already been created -possibly in batch - and saved. You can control the display using theother selection parameters. It makes sense to create the actual list inthe background using the broadest possible selection criteria range sothat you can then call up the results individually.
You can control how the list is displayed using the menu option 'List'.The possibilities are improvements, deterioration, complete list.
The interface to change transactions and to the list of orders enablesyou to navigate. 'Back' ends the display, 'New selection' takes youback to the selection screen.

List of orders which have been changed
List of orders in which an error occurred during processing andtherefore were not changed.
If you restrict the selection in a subsequent evaluation, all the itemswhich could not be displayed as a result of the restriction, arerecorded at the end of the actual list.

An entry is only made in the columns 'New date' and 'New confirmed qty'if any changes have been made.