SAP Program SDFASDTA - SFAS 133/138 im SD - Delta Report

Report SDFASDTA allows the user to compart document lists which werecreated using report SDFAS133 and which were storedin table INDX.

To start the report, all clusters to be compared should be entered onthe initial screen.

The following values are displayed in the output list:
the status (see below)
change of the open value to local currency
all fields which were output by SDFAS133
The field 'Status' accepts values 1-4, which have the followingmeaning:
Status 1: Document (or item or schedule line) is new.
Status 2: Document (or item or schedule line) no longer applies, values no longer exist.
Status 3: Open value has changed.
Status 4: Open value has not changed.