SAP Program SDEMO_DOCUMENTBRIDGE - Demo for SAP KnowledgeWarehouse DocumentBridge

The program shows how to use the SAP Image Controls.
The source code of the program can be used as a template in other
After the program is started, a screen appears showing two Image
Choosing 'NORMAL', 'STRETCH' or 'FIT' changes the display mode of the
Choosing 'CLEAR' deletes the contents of the upper control.
You can enter an URL linking to a screen in the upper
'Location' input field. If you choose 'ENTER', this screen is loaded
in the upper control.
If you double-click on a screen, the text 'DOUBLE CLICK EVENT' appears
in field 'Location'.
If you click on a screen with the right mouse key, the text 'CONTEXT
MENU EVENT' appears in field 'Location'. The coordinates
where the click took place appear.