SAP Program SDCHECKVOFA - Customizing check: Billing types

The following settings are checked in the report:
1) Proforma billing types: If it is a proforma billing type, (VBTYP =U), the field must be blank and the account determination proceduremust be empty.
2) Cancellation billing document types: : A check is made to see if thecancellation billing document type has the right VBTYP. An F2 invoice,for example, (VBTYP 'M') can only be canceled with billing type S1 withVBTYP 'N' . A billing type with VBTYP '5' can only be canceled with theVBTYP '6' and vice versa.
3) Cancellation billing document type partner functions A check is madeto see if the cancellation billing document type partner functions areempty or if those that correspond to the billing type used are empty.