SAP Program SDCAS_CROSS_MATCHING - Crossmatching

Program SDCAS_CROSS_MATCHING determines partners for the specifiedselection period which have more than one sales activity within thisperiod.
You can use this program to avoid that partners receive unnecessarysales activities.

The system does not consider additional versions in the direct mailingcampaign. The system does not propose partners for deletion or display,nor does it check whether additional versions can be deleted.

The system display the sales activities whose partners have more thanone sales activity within this period. It displays only partners whocorrespond with the requirement mentioned above. This is how it differsfrom the sales activity list.
@4B@Set sales activities/partners
The system selects sales activities that can be completed or partnerswho can be deleted from the sales activities. If you perform theCrossmatching function in the background, the objects that havebeen determined will be edited.