SAP Programs

Program Text
SDB2FDB6 Catalog Modifications for DB2 Universal Database
SDB2FMSS FORMS for Database Access on MS SQL Server
SDB3FADA FORMS for ADABAS-Specific Objects
SDB3FORA FORMS for ORACLE-Specific Database Objects
SDB4GEN DB2/400 generate EXEC SQL reports used in SDB1FDB4
SDB8FDB2 DB2-z/OS: Catalog modifications (<= v8.1)
SDB9FDB2 DB2-z/OS: Catalog modifications (>= v9.1)
SDBANF01 Adjustment sales-purchasing (selection using organizational data)
SDBANF02 Selection: Comparison of Orders with Purchase Requisitions and POs
SDBANF04 Check Program for Orders with Purchase Requisitions
SDBANF05 Correction report confirmed schedule line of third-party orders
SDBESI40 INFORMIX: Determines object size (TAB,INDX) (SDBESINF with 40 syntax)
SDBESINF INFORMIX: Determines object sizes (TAB,INDX) for runtime estimation
SDBILLDL Maintain Billing Due List
SDBI_CHECK_BCD_NUMBERS ORACLE: Test Tables with NUMBER Fields for Broken BCD Numbers
SDBI_CHECK_ORANUMBERS ORACLE: Test tables with NUMBER-columns for wrong Oracle number format
SDBI_CLUSTER_CHECK SDBI_CLUSTER_CHECK - Check Cluster Tables (note 1077403)
SDBI_CLUSTER_CHECK_PERFORM Check Cluster Tables: Perform New Check or Restart Cancelled Check Run
SDBI_CLUSTER_CHECK_REORG Reorganize Cluster Check Run Results
SDBI_CLUSTER_CHECK_STATUS_S Display the single cluster check run result per checked physical table
SDBI_CLUSTER_CHECK_STATUS_T Display cluster check issues for specified run and table
SDBI_CODEPAGE_TYPE Determine the Code Page Type
SDBI_DDNTT_HIST_RECONSTRUCT SAP Note 951012: Reconstruct the History Nametab Header from Fields
SDBI_ORA_CHECK_DECIMALS Checks the Decimal Numbers Stored in Oracle Databases
SDBI_POOL_CHECK Checks the Readability of Pool Tables
SDBI_POOL_CLEANER Checks and cleans up entries in physical pool tables
SDBI_POOL_DECOMPRESSION Decompress Pooled Tables
SDBI_POOL_NOTE_950380 Checks Pool Tables in Accordance with SAP Note 950380
SDBI_REPAIR_CLUSTER Clean up cluster tables after unicode migration
SDBI_REPAIR_CLUSTERTS Correction report for note 946659
SDBI_REPO_CHECK Tests the Readability of ABAP Programs from Table REPOSRC
SDBI_SYNC_CHECK_TECHNICAL Buffer Synchronization Test
SDBLBDDL Release Billing Documents for Accounting
SDBONARCH ARCHIVING - Find billing documents that should not be archived
SDBONS30 Rebate: New Field in 3.0: S060-RRWRT (Reversed Accruals)
SDBONT06 Update billing documents
SDBONTO1 Report for enhancing the Konp
SDBONTO2 Program for updating the new KONV fields
SDBONTO3 Program for scheduling a batch job with predecessor
SDBONTO4 Update for rebate-relevant data fro release 4.x
SDBONTO5 Program for scheduling a batch job with predecessor
SDBXTEST Test of SDBx - Function Groups, Generating DDL
SDB_UNICODE_CONV_LC Convert Columns from UNICODE to ASCII in liveCache
SDCAS75C Sales support monitor
SDCAS_ADDRESS_BLOCKS_RECREATE CAS: Report for Editing a Set Operations List
SDCAS_ADDRLIST_CREATE_BATCH Creating an Address List Version in Background
SDCAS_ADRSEL Standard Selection Report for Addresses
SDCAS_ADRSEL_BIRTHDAY Address Selection - Birthday List
SDCAS_ADRSEL_CONTACTS Address Selection: Partners from Sales Activities
SDCAS_ADRSEL_COPY Create Address List With Reference to Direct Mailing
SDCAS_ADRSEL_CUT_AND_PASTE Addressees via Cut and Paste
SDCAS_ADRSEL_LIS_EXCEPTION Address selection: LIS exception
SDCAS_ADRSEL_NO_CONTACT Address Selection - Business Partners Without Sales Activity
SDCAS_ADRSEL_SERVICE Address selection: Service partners
SDCAS_DEFAULT_VERSION_SET SD-CAS: Select Address List Version as Standard Version
SDCAS_FILL_KTEXT_MC XPRA for Converting Matchcode VMVKA
SDCAS_RECALL Address Selection - Batch Recall
SDCAS_SET_OP_LIST_EXECUTE CAS: Report for Editing a Set Operations List
SDCHECKBONUS Customizing check: volume-based rebate
SDCHECKT683 Customizing check: Pricing procedures
SDCHECKT685A Customizing Check: Condition Types
SDCHECKTVCPF Customizing check: Copy control
SDCHECKVOFA Customizing check: Billing types
SDCLMC00 Matchcode SD/WS
SDCLVOFM SDCLVOFM: Direct Call of the VOFM Routines of a Class
SDCONT01 Expiring contracts
SDCONT02 Expired contracts
SDCONT03 Completed contracts
SDCOOB01 Correction Program for SD Documents Due to Inconsistencies in RVVBUK00
SDCORR01 Analysis report
SDCORRECT General file for correction reports in SD
SDCRSL01 Companion Sales Analysis for Sales Documents
SDCRSL02 Display Results of Cross-Selling Analysis
SDCUS001 SDCUS001: Customizing Table in SD
SDDBTSEL DD: Generalized selection operations (external version)
SDDELDUB Deletes duplicated VBBE records with same document, item, sched. line
SDDELORDALE Test report for generating a DELORD-IDOC (delivery order)
SDDORD01 Double Orders in Period
SDEDLALE Create Test Workflow for Deliveries for Ext.Agents
SDEDLEDI Create Test Workflow for Deliveries for Ext.Agents
SDEMO_DOCUMENTBRIDGE Demo for SAP KnowledgeWarehouse DocumentBridge
SDEURVC0 Euro Currency Conversion Value Contracts and Releases
SDEWUDEB Customer: Change currency
SDEWUORD Mass change of document currency in all open sales orders
SDFAKSPE SD Documents Blocked for Billing
SDFAS133 SFAS 133/138 SD
SDFASDEL SFAS 133/138 in SD - Delete Data Clusters
SDFASDTA SFAS 133/138 im SD - Delta Report
Lines 53201 to 53300 of 57103 entries
1 531 532 533 534 535 572