SAP Program SCWN_NOTE_DOWNLOAD - Note Assistant: Note Download

Loading an SAP Note

You can load SAP Notes into your system. You can do this using an RFCconnection (SAP Note download) or with the file transfer method (SAPNote upload)
The SAP Note download has the following advantages:

  • You can use the Note Assistant to load SAP Notes directly into your
  • system using an RFC connection.
    • If other SAP Notes are entered as prerequisites in an SAP Note, the Note
    • Assistant automatically downloads the prerequisite SAP Notes during theimplementation (SAP Note Queue).
      • You can download updated versions of SAP Notes at the press of a button
      • (Download current version of SAP Note
        Note: To download an SAP Note, you must create an RFC connectionto SAP.
        Uploading an SAP Note does not require a permanent RFC connection toSAP. For this, you first download the required SAP Note from the SAPService Marketplace and save it locally on your front-end PC. You thenuse the Note Assistant to upload the SAP Note.


        • SAP Note Download: You have created an RFC connection to SAP with
        • the name SAPSNOTE as a copy of the RFC destination SAPOSS (generatedwhen you call transaction OSS1). More information about creating theSAPSNOTE RFC destination: SAP Note 797001.
          • SAP Note Upload: You have installed the SAP Download Manager,
          • which enables you to load SAP Notes from the SAP Service Marketplace.For information about the SAP Download Manager, see the SAP ServiceMarketplace under ' -> Get DownloadManager'.


            SAP Note Download
            In the Note Assistant, choose SAP Note Download
            Specify the numbers of the SAP Notes that you want to download.
            Use the selection function to load one SAP Note or a list of SAP Notes.
            Confirm the selection.
            The system loads the SAP Notes from SAP into your database.

            SAP Note Upload
            RESET N1
            Select the correct SAP Note in the SAP Service Marketplace
            Choose 'Download'.
            The SAP Note is added to your download basket. You can repeat thisaction for as many SAP Notes as you require.
            Start the SAP Download Manager. To save the SAP Notes locally on your PC
            , choose 'Download'.
            The SAP Notes are loaded as files into the directory you have specified.
            Use the upload function in the Note Assistant ('Goto -> Upload SAPNote') to load the SAP Note files into your system.

            After you have successfully downloaded or uploaded an SAP Note that didnot previously exist in your system, the processing status of this SAPNote is set as 'new' in the SAP Note overview.

            Note Assistant

1073502Note Assistant: Termination and log when downloading a note
1020107Note Assistant: Message type " " is unknown