SAP Program COM_SE_SEARCH_TEST - Search Engine Service: Overall Test Frame

This program is intended as a test framework for customer-specificdevelopments for the SearchEngine Service.

You used the ABAP Workbench to develop a customer-specific businessobject and want to connect this to the search engine service.

This program offers an integrated test environment. It uses manycomponents of the search engine service, for example, the following:

  • the connection to the search engine

  • the Customizing

  • the interface IF_COM_SE_BUSOBJ to the
  • business object
    • the function module COM_SE_INDEXER as core of the indexing
    • Prerequisites

      • The search machine is installed and accessible via a gateway.

      • You have entered the RFC destination for the gateway of the search
      • engine in the Customizing of the Search underMake Settings for Search Engine Service.
        • The interface IF_COM_SE_BUSOBJ is implemented
        • for your business object.
          • In the Customizing of the Search under
          • Define Business Objects for Search EngineService you have calibrated your business object and at least one ofthe object types contained in that business object.

            The test framework allows you to comfortably test the following actions:

            • Create search engine index

            • Count objects in the application

            • Complete indexing

            • Search of objects in the search engine index

            • List objects from search engine index

            • Delete search engine index

            • This program differs from the standard programs of the search engineservice in the following ways:
              • If you use this program to create an index, it is not activated
              • automatically. Accordingly, indexing and searching in this testframework also work for inactive indexes. Inactive indexes are notconsidered by the standard programs for indexing and searching. In thisway, you can avoid disrupting the productive operation or other tests.
                • You can limit the complete indexing to a certain number of objects. For
                • this reason, a complete indexing that is performed in the test frameworkis not displayed in the index monitor (transactionCOM_SE_ADMIN).
                  • You can freely change the package size for the complete indexing on the
                  • selection screen, without having to change this parameter in theCustomizing.
                    • The complete indexing is executed directly in the dialog. In this way,
                    • you can test faster and, if necessary, switch to debugging faster. Ifyou want to index larger amounts of objects, then you can start the testframework as a background job.

                      Choose a business object, an object type in it, and an action. You alsohave the following selection options:

                      • If you deactivate the indicator Fill index, then the application
                      • determines the objects but does not transfer them to the search engine.In this way, you can very simply measure the performance of theapplication in isolation.
                        • If you initialize the input field Attribute, then instead of an
                        • "advanced search" being performed on a certain attribute, a "simplesearch" (full text search) is performed.

                          For each action you first get a confirmation of your entries and thenthe result of your test.
                          For the actions "Search" and "List Index", the output lists a maximum of20 objects respective with all of their attributes, as they werereturned by the search engine.


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