SAP Program COM_SE_SEARCH_IIF_TEST - Search Engine Service: Test Frame for Internal Search Interface

This program provides a search engine-based search for business objects.
Use this program to test the internal interface (IIF) of theSearch Engine Service.
This is a test program. It is not suitable for production use.

The business objects are indexed in the search engine. SeeTransaction SES_ADMIN.

You can search for business objects.


  • Business Object Type

  • Business object that you are searching for.
    The input help displays the values of the database tableCOM_SE_BUSOBJTY.
    The default "sflight" represents the test object Flight.
    • Business Object Subtype

    • Subtype of the business object that you are searching for.
      The default "1" represents the only subtype of the test object Flight.
      • Requested Attribute

      • The attributes that are to be displayed for every business object in thehit list.
        When you enter "*", all attributes are displayed.
        The default setting is to request just the attribute "EXTERNAL_KEY".
        Note: See the Attribute Name parameter.
        • Sort Attribute

        • The sort attribute determines how the hit list is sorted.
          The default is to sort according to relevance and not according to anattribute.
          • Sort Direction

          • Sort direction of the hit list. The sort direction 1 is for ascendingorder, 0 is for descending order.
            The default setting is 1.
            • Search by Related Object

            • Select this feature to search for a business object by providing someinformation about a related business object. If this feature is switchedon, the input fields belong to the search-for object and the search-byobject as described below. If this feature is switched off, as is thedefault setting, all input fields belong to the search-for object.
              Search-for object
              - Business object type
              - Business object subtype
              - Requested attribute
              - Sort attribute
              - Sort direction
              Search-by object
              - Search terms
              - Search category
              - Attribute name
              - Attribute value
              - Language of search request
              - Search method
              • Relation Type

              • The type of the relation between the search-for object and the search-byobject. Each search-for object type has its own list of relation types.The relation type implies the search-by object type.
                For example: Connection "is travel-on connection" for a relatedconnection. This relation is defined by search-by-connection.cityto =search-for-connection.cityfrom. To search for a connection using thisrelation, enter the following: business object type = "spfli", businessobject subtype = "1", relation type = "1".
                • Full-Text Search

                • Select the full-text search to execute a non-specific search. Synonym:Quick search.
                  Selection of the full-text search or the attribute search is mutuallyexclusive.
                  The default setting is full-text search.
                  • Freestyle Search

                  • Perform full-text search by searching in the freestyle attributes inaddition to the content.
                    • Display Match Attributes

                    • For a freestyle search, display the matching attributes.
                      • Search Terms

                      • The search returns all business objects that contain the search terms.
                        The default "*" is interpreted as any word.
                        • Search Category

                        • The type of link between several search terms. The following searchcategories are available:
                          A - AND link
                          Every search term must occur in the business object.
                          O - OR link
                          At least one of the search terms must occur in the business object.
                          C - Phrase link
                          The search terms must occur in the business object as a phrase.
                          Example: Federal Republic of Germany.
                          • Attribute Search

                          • Select the attribute search to execute an attribute-specific search.
                            Selection of the full-text search or the attribute search is mutuallyexclusive.
                            • Attribute Name

                            • Name of the attribute on the basis of which you are searching. Everybusiness object subtype has a specific list of searchable attributes.
                              The default attribute name is "EXTERNAL_KEY".
                              Note: To obtain a list of the attributes that you can searchthrough for a business object subtype, execute a search requesting allattributes. See the Return Attribute parameter.
                              • Attribute Value

                              • Value of the attribute that you are searching for.
                                The default value "*" is interpreted as any character string.
                                • Language of Search Request

                                • Provides a language key to restrict the search to this language.
                                  The default space indicates a language-independent search.
                                  • Search Method

                                  • Method used for the search. The following search methods are available:
                                    E - Exact search
                                    The search terms must occur as written.
                                    L - Linguistic search
                                    The search terms are extended using linguistic rules.
                                    Example: The linguistic search for "House" also finds "Houses".
                                    F - Fuzzy search
                                    Similar words are added to the search terms.
                                    Example: The fuzzy search for "tupo" also finds "typo".
                                    The TREX default value for fuzzy_similarity is fixed: 0.6.
                                    The first letter of the word must match.
                                    Fuzzy search works for full-text searches and attribute searches.
                                    It works only for words, not for numbers or timestamps.
                                    It cannot be combined with a wildcard search.
                                    • Start of Page

                                    • The overall results list is displayed one page at a time.
                                      Use this parameter to define where this page starts.
                                      The default setting is to display the first 20 hits on the first page.
                                      • End of Page

                                      • The overall results list is displayed one page at a time.
                                        Use this parameter to define where this page ends.
                                        The default setting is to display the first 20 hits on the first page.
                                        To view the second page, provide start of page = "21" and end of page ="40".
                                        • Hints on how the search query is interpreted.

                                        • The search is case-insensitive - it ignores uppercase and lowercase."sap" finds "SAP".
                                          Full-text search
                                          The full text of a business object is interpreted as a sequence of wordsthat are separated from each other by spaces. Linking characters such asunderscores and hyphens are also used to separate words. A search for"test" also finds "Test_01".
                                          Attribute search
                                          An attribute value is interpreted as a linked character string. Spacesare ignored. To find "SAP AG" using an attribute search, you must searchfor "sap*". The wildcard *, which represents any character string in theattribute search, requires the search method Exact.



                                          • Runtime per component

                                          • Total runtime of the internal interface
                                            Runtime share of the search engine
                                            Runtime share of the business object application
                                            • List of searched indexes

                                            • Number of hits

                                            • Number of hits displayed
                                              Total number of hits found
                                              • Search result

                                              • A list of the business objects found is output as the search result. Foreach business object, the following information is provided. Businessobject type, business object subtype, object ID, and relevance value.
                                                The list of requested attributes. The type, name, and value is providedfor each requested attribute.

                                                Specify your search query.
                                                Execute the search.

                                                By default, the program searches for all flights. The first 20 hits aredisplayed.

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