SAP Program SAPTLIST_TREE_CONTROL_DEMO_HDR - Example: List Tree Control with Header (with Documentation)

This program demonstrates how to use the list tree control (classCL_GUI_LIST_TREE) with headers. The control is divided into two areasusing two headers (hierarchy header and list header), each of which isseparately scrollable.

Differences between this program and SAPTLIST_TREE_CONTROL_DEMO

  • The WITH_HEADERS, HIERARCHY_HEADER, and LIST_HEADER parameters are used
  • in the constructor method.
    • The field LAST_HITEM in the node structure TREEV_NODE controls which
    • items of a node appear below the hierarchy header:
      LAST_HITEM = 0: All items of the node appear under the hierarchyheader.
      LAST_HITEM = N mit N>0: Items 1 to N appear under the hierarchy header.Remaning items appear under the list header.

      You should only use the list tree control with headers when it is notpossible to use the column tree control.

1094826List trees with header lines not displayed correctly