SAP Program SAPRVAS1 - Payment Plans - Archiving Program

Archiving Payment Plans - Archiving Program

The SAPRVAS1 report realizes the first step in payment planarchiving in Collections/Disbursements: The creation of an archivewith payment plans.
The second step is realized using the SAPRVAS2 report
: The deletion of payment plans on the basis of the previouslycreated archive.
The associated archiving object is called VVKK_SCHED. Usetransaction AOBJ to make definitions and relatedCustomizing settings, and use transaction SARA toconduct archive administration and related Customizing.
Selected payment plans are tested for their runtime after successfulposting, and archived and the runtime has expired (the runtime forpayment plans can be set in Customizing).All corresponding tableentries are then archived for all payment plans, which fulfil thiscondition.

The following checks prevent a payment plan from being archived:

  • Error ERR_NARCH

  • Flag ARCH1 has not yet been set.
    • Error ERR_NOLD:

    • The runtime was not reached