SAP Program SAPRSATM - Runtime Analysis Evaluation: Statistics

To 3.1I: - ok-code 'MEMO' on the overview screen
- run 'SAPRSATM'
To 4.0A: - copy the program SAPRSATM from 4.0B as a local program
To 4.B and 4.5A: - see menu on the overview screen of SE30
a) use SE30 to create a trace file
b) run SAPRSATM with parameters
- FILE (SE30 file)
- WITHSYST (with system programs and '%' forms)
- FOR_ATRA (with SAPMS38T)
List 1
Click on title column -> sort by this column
-> color title of sorted column = COL_GROUP
Sort by
- subc = program type: '1', 'M', 'F', 'S'
- prog = program name: P1
- load = load of program P1 in bytes
- gdat = global data of P1 in bytes
- fora = all defined forms in P1: f1, f2, f3 -> 3
- form = called forms, which are defined in P1
for example: P1 calls f1 9 times -> 1
P1 calls f2 9 times -> 1
no call for f3 -> 0
-> 2
- funa = all defined function modules in P1
- func = called functions, which are defined in P1 (see form)
ATRA knows the name of caller and not of called !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- extf = external performs (forms called by P1) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for example: P1 calls fx(P5) 7 times !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P1 calls fy(P5) 7 times !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-> 14 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- rfc = rfc called by P1 (see extf) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tests zu load, data -> Hartmut Willy
form, func, ... -> Winfried Schleier
Click on fora or form -> list of forms
funa or func -> list of functions
List 2
Click on form/function -> source
- form/function -> source
- counter -> list of caller
List 3
Click on caller -> source