SAP Program SAPRCKMN - Archiving: Write Program for Period Records CKML1

Here you can archive material ledger period records and delete themfrom the database.
These are entries in table CKML1 containing movement data for thematerial ledger. This data is used for price determination and foranalysing material ledger master data.
If you delete material ledger period records, you can no longer displaythe information. These records can, however, be retrieved.
Enter the period and the year as selection criteria. The system willarchive and delete all material ledger period records up to the periodentered but not those in the period entered.
The following period records remain in the data base:

  • Records for which there has been no price determination

  • Records from the current period

  • Records from the previous period

  • Records from the last period of the previous year

  • See also:
    BC - Archiving Application Data