SAP Program SAPPIPRL - Create List of Inspection Lots

The report RQGAAM31 reads information on inspection lots from thelogical database PGQ and creates a printout of the inspection resultsfor these inspection lots.
In the SAP standard, the SAPscript layout set QM_INSP_RESULT is usedfor this.
With this report, inspection lots of any origin can be selectedtogether.
Execution of the program
When you start the report, the system starts the print function.
For every lot, a complex data object is filled which is printed at thetime GET QALS LATE. The structure depends on the lot origin. Withinspection lots for production, for example, other segments of thecomplex object are filled than with inspection lots for goods receipts.
After the printout of a lot, the object is initialized again.
The printout for each lot is started using the function modulesSTART_FORM and END_FORM.
After a printout has been made for every lot, the report exits theprint function.
Options for controlling the printout:
On the selection screen, you are offered the following options forcontrolling the printout:

  • If you do not want to use the layout set QM_INSP_RESULT contained in the
  • SAP standard, you can use your own one.
    To do so, you need to create a new layout set, activate it and enter iton the selection screen for the report.
    When creating the new layout set, you should copy the standard layoutset, since the function module WRITE_FORM for printing text elements isonly called for the text elements containted in this layout set.
    To print other text elements, you need to modify the report.
    • On the selection screen, you can specify whether long texts are to be
    • printed for
      usage decisions
      lots or partial lots
      • You can choose to print out the defects recorded in the lots.

      • By setting the indicator Partial lot view f. prod. lots, you can
      • specify whether partial lots are to be included in printouts for lotsused for inspection during poduction (lot origin '03').
        If you set this indicator, the lot data is printed using the followinghierarchy:
        lot -> partial lot (n) -> operation (n) -> inspection point (n) ->
        characteristic (n)
        If you do not set this indicator, the following hierarchy is used forthe printout (default):
        lot -> operation (n) -> inspection point (n) -> characteristic (n)
        In the partial lot view, information on the partial lot assigned isprinted for each inspection point.
        Note that the inspection point is printed with the partial lot to whichit was assigned in the last operation. In addition to this, only thoseinspction points are printed which were processed in alloperations.
        For this reason, you should only use the partial lot view forinspection lots for which the usage decision has already been made.
        The Partial lot view indicator has no effect on the printout ofinpection lots which are not used for inspection during production,that is, inspection lots with an origin other than '03'.