SAP Program COM_SE_DISPATCHER - Search Engine Service: Indexing

This is the standard SearchEngine Service program for indexing business objects in the connectedsearch engine. The program is normally executed as a periodic backgroundjob.

The business objects are obtained using the interfaceIF_COM_SE_BUSOBJ and transferred to thesearch engine for indexing.

For more information, see the documentation for the administration ofthe search engine service (transaction SES_ADMIN).

You set the individual functions of this program for each index inCustomizing for the Search underDefine Business Objects for Search EngineService.


  • If required, you can restrict the program run to one business object
  • and one object type contained in this business object. Youshould use appropriate job scheduling to avoid a scenario where theprogram runs for several business objects simultaneously, as this canoverload the gateway to the search engine.
    Normally, no selection should be made. The program then runssequentially for all business objects.
    • Normally, the indexing is executed as delta indexing. Only the
    • objects that have been newly created, changed, or deleted since the lastrun are transferred. The more frequent the delta indexing, the lower thenumber of transferred objects.
      The basis for the delta indexing are the so-called change pointers,which are written by applications when an object is created, changed, ordeleted. Methods of the classCL_COM_SE_CPOINTER_UPDATE are usedto generate change pointers.
      During complete indexing, all objects currently in theapplication database are transferred to the search engine. If there is avery large number of objects, the runtime for complete indexing may behours. A rough estimated value would be 10 ms runtime per object.
      Complete indexing is only necessary in the following cases:
      If you install or activate the search engine service retroactively in aproduction system. Complete indexing is necessary in this case, becausethere are no change pointers for existing objects.
      If you want to make more fields searchable in an existing businessobject. This means that even existing objects must be reindexed.

      With the default values in the selection screen that are supplied asstandard by SAP, you can schedule the program as a periodic backgroundjob. You do not require a variant to do this.

      The program creates a spool list. If running delta indexing, you can setthe level of detail for the spool list for each index in Customizing forthe Search under Scope of Log.
      To monitor indexings that are running, you can use the index monitor(transaction SES_ADMIN).

      The up-to-dateness of the search engine service is determined by thefrequency of the execution of this program. In normal operations, youshould therefore execute delta indexing at least once a day. Deltaindexing has been designed in such a way that it can be executed once aminute. In addition, a special enqueue mechanism ensures that the samebusiness object cannot be indexed by two overlapping jobssimultaneously.
      If you want to select a very short repetition period (one or twominutes), you should adjust the period of the background job scheduleron the assigned servers accordingly. Set the profile parameterrdisp/btctime from 60 to 30 seconds.

      If there are no new change pointers at the time of delta indexing, theindexing program is completed as quickly as possible and no spool listis written. Instead, a message appears in the log stating that allobject changes have been transferred to the search engine.

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