Purpose Use this report to execute a consistency check at database level for thecentral part of the product master and start a simulation that makessuggestions for possible cleansing actions at database level for anydatabase consistencies found. Features The consistency check includes checks for
- Attributes
- Product categories
- Category - set type assignments
- Hierarchy IDs and hierarchy descriptions
- Structure of the category hierarchy
- Products
- Product - set type assignments
- Product - product category assignments
- Set types
The simulation of possible repairs to data inconsistencies throughdatabase action is not complete. The proposed database changes aremerely suggestions to be used as an aid - you should not carry out anychanges without first closely analyzing the potential consequences forthe database.Selection Apart from the selection of various consistency checks, no otherselections (such as restriction to certain products or categories) arepossible. Output The system creates a log about all of the checks for which you candisplay the individual messages, if necessary. Activities Call the transaction COM_PR_MDCHECK. Choose the checks that you want to execute. Choose the function Execute Checks> to start those checks. Alternatively, you can choose the function Simulate Repairs> tostart the checks and display any proposals for corrections and simulatetheir consequences. The system issues a log on the data inconsistencies found. The log alsocontains the section Planned DB Changes> if you selected thefunction Simulate Repairs>. When you choose an individual check,you can also display its message.