The report COM_PRODUCT_UPGRADE bundles and controls the process of themethods that are necessary after a system upgrade, so that the productmaster can continue to work with the existing data.
First a check is carried out to determine if upgrade methods have to berun. If this is the case, then these methods are called in thedesignated sequence.
The report only has to be started in one client, but still executes thenecessary changes across all clients.

You can find the classes that contain the relevant upgrade methods inthe table COMS_PR_UPGRADE. To find out what these methods do, see thedocumentation of the class in question.

The upgrade methods write information and error messages to anapplication log that is displayed at the end.

Only start this report if the system specifically requests you to do soduring an upgrade or in product maintenance.
If a fatal error occurs in one of the methods, the report is terminated.This usually indicates that your system has data inconsistencies. Youshould then try to rectify this error using the information in theapplication log and then start the report again.

1614747Report for creating products creates incorrect product
1165067Release Info SAP Enhancement Package 4 for SAP ERP 6.0