SAP Program COM_PRODUCT_SMYOTREE_UPDATE - Conversion of Favorites to Generic Object Services (GOS)

In product maintenance (transaction COMMPR01), products used frequentlycan be added to your favorites list (worklist) so that they can beaccessed more quickly.
Prior to Release 4.0, a product added to the favorites list was storedin table COMM_PRWB_TODO. As of 4.0 it is stored in the central tableSMYOTREE, in which all favorites objects are stored.
The purpose of this report is to transfer all entries previouslycontained in table COMM_PRWB_TODO to the new table. This conversion isperformed for all clients and applies to the following objects orproduct types:

  • Material

  • Service

  • Financing

  • Intellectual Property

  • Warranty
  • Selection
    This report does not have an initial screen and should be executed inthe background.
    The client in which you execute the report is irrelevant, the conversionis effective in all clients. Execute the report using transaction SE38.

    The results list contains the number of entries convertedin the following tables in each client: