Purpose An index table can be used to improve the performance of the searchfunctionality for products. This program deletes the tableCOMM_PRODUCT_IDX. This is performed for the client in which you areworking. Prerequisites
- To execute the program, you should be registered in table
COMC_PR_TOOL_REG using transaction SE16.
- The central Customizing table COMC_PRODUCT must not be maintained while
the program is running (for example, Customizing activityAllow Inactive Products>).Features When the program has been executed, the indicator in table COMC_PRODUCTindicating that the index table is used is removed. The program COM_PRODUCT_IDX_CREATE should be used to set up the indextable. Note that the programs COM_PRODUCT_IDX_SET_FLAG andCOM_PRODUCT_IDX_RESET_FLAG can be used for test purposes.