SAP Program COM_PRODUCT_DOC_CHANGE - Assign Language-independence Indicator for Product Documents

Assign Language-Independence Indicator for Product Documents

Assigning the language-independence indicator for product documentsallows the document to be utilized in all product catalog variantsirrespective of the catalog variant's publication language (provideddocuments of the respective class are taken into account at all).Without setting the indicator, only those documents whose languagematches the publication language of a product catalog variant (andwhose document class matches one of the classes enabled for the catalogtype) will be published with the variant or appear in the productcatalog maintenance.


  • Product type, product ID, and product category

  • Note
    Only those product types and products that the user is authorized todisplay will be included in the report.
    • Maximum number of products

    • This value restricts the number of products that are selected in thereport.

      Select the report rows.
      Choose Lang Indept to assign the language-independence indicatorfor the selected rows, or choose Lang Dept to remove thelanguage-independence indicator for the selected rows.
      Only those product types and products that the user is authorized tochange will be updated.
      Choose Save to save the changes.
      RESET N1