SAP Program COM_PRODUCT_DL_ANALYSE - Download Analysis for Sites

This report can be used for a quick analysis of data exchange problemsduring the initial data transfer. The report saves you thetime-consuming search that was previously necessary via a number ofMiddleware transactions. You can start this report before the actualdata transfer in order to identify possible problems during the initialdata transfer.
The report checks which CRM Middleware settings, Customizing settingsand general system settings were made for data exchange.
The report also checks if the error is during initial data transfer. Thereport can carry out the analysis for materials, services, structuredproducts or customer material information for each R/3 site or logicalsystem.
The report also supplies information on:
·,,The number of table entries in selected product master tables
·,,Whether customer extensions are implemented
·,,Which BDocs with errors were generated over a particular time period
·,,Products for which an upload is necessary

To carry out the report, you should first have set filters for thedownload objects MATERIAL, SERVICE_MASTER or BOM via transaction R3AC1.
You may select only one R/3 site (for which you already have set thefilters) per analysis on the selection screen.

All of the analysis options are set as standard. You can deactivate anyunnecessary analysis options before the start of the report.

The report returns the following results:
System settings:
·,,ERP-RFC destination
·,,ERP Release
·,,ERP logical system
·,,CRM/EBP Release
·,,CRM/EBP logical system
·,,CRM-, MSA- and MSE flags (active/ inactive)
Middleware settings:
·,,Information about filtering the object material
·,,Information about filtering the object service master
·,,Information about filtering the object BOM
·,,Information about filtering the object CUST_MAT_INFO
If target sites outside of the CRM system are defined,these are likewise displayed.
Customizing settings:
·,,CRM/EBP settings
·,,R/3 System settings
In this way Customizing table values such as length, lexicographicalstorage type and defined length of the material number in the databaseare determined.
Entries in DB table:
Taking the logical system into account, the number of records isdisplayed in the following tables:
Business Add-In Implementation:
If you have implemented a customer extension (BAdI), then this isdisplayed in tabular format.
BDocs with errors:
The report shows the number of error messages of the same error type inthe form of a collection.
The report carries out further tests and displays relevant warnings ormessages. All messages are immediately displayed under the appropriatereport. Warnings are indicated as such by the color red. The followingchecks are carried out:
System settings:
·,,Is the application basis of the CRM System or R/3 System lower thanABA6.20?
Middleware settings:
·,,Does the number of digits match the material number length that isdefined in the R/3 Backend System if there are only digits in the filterconditions for the material number and no lexicographical storage typeis set in the R/3-Backend System?
Customizing settings:
·,,Is the database length of the material number in R/3 smaller than 18?
·,,Does the database length of the material number in CRM not match thedatabase length of the material number in the R/3 System?
·,,Do the CRM System and R/3 System have different settings for thelexicographical storage type?
Table entries:
·,,Are there table entries for another logical system as well as the CRMand R/3 Backend System?
·,,Does the table CRMM_PRICE_PROD have entries, that is, it is possiblethat not all price products will be assigned in the initial datatransfer?
You can get directly to the various transactions from the results listif you want to display the results again in the system or get otheruseful information.