During the course of the separation (Release 4.0A) of the product masterand PME from CRM, the interface was enhanced to the effect that it ispossible to maintain data not only depending on the distribution chain,but depending on organizational structures that may be required. Forthis, it was necessary to remove the sales organization (SALES_ORG)field, and the distribution channel (DISTR_CH) field from the interface,and to replace them with generic keys (ORG_TYPE and ORG_ID) for org.structures. The same applies for tables in which mapping between productmaster and PME is stored persistently. In order to be able to continueto use entries in classes that have already been created, the contentsof these tables have to be converted via an upgrade of the CRM System.The conversion takes place via this XPRA.
The three tables COMM_CAT_PME_MAP, COMM_SET_PME_MAP and COMM_PRD_PME_MAPhave to be converted. Entries in these tables are copied into the tablesCOMM_PME_CAT_MAP, COMM_PME_SET_MAP and COMM_PME_SET_MAP. The SALES_ORGand DISTR_CH fields are reassigned to ORG_TYPE and ORG_ID.
Key reassignment is as follows:
Data is organization-independent (SALES_ORG and DISTR_CH are initial):
Both ORG_TYPE and ORG_ID are initial
Data is distribution chain-dependent (SALES_ORG and DISTR_CH are notinitial)
ORG_TYPE = '01' and ORG_ID is the concatenation of SALES_ORG andDISTR_CH

The XPRA issues different messages, described below in more detail:
"Error when converting mapping data from CRM product and PME"
This message is for customers, if a serious error has occurred, and datacannot be (completely) converted. The system cannot be immediately usedproductively after the upgrade. The long message text describes what thecustomer has to do in order to eliminate the error. (Usually, re-startthe XPRA).
"Error in Open-Cursor for &1"
This message is for Support. It gives more information on the abovecustomer message, so that the exact location of the error in the XPRAcan be identified. The error message specifies whether the erroroccurred during conversion of categories, products or set types.
"Error in Insert for &1 (during the upgrade)"
This message is for Support. It gives more information on the abovecustomer message, so that the exact location of the error in the XPRAcan be identified. The error message specifies whether the erroroccurred during the conversion of categories, products or set types.
The error message is only issued for the upgrade and not at a later run.This is because it is used because of the possibility to re-integratethe 'ACCEPTING DUPLICATE KEY' insert. The target table is empty at thestart of the XPRA, so no errors may occur during the first run. However,if many records have already been converted by the XPRA, a (permitted)error occurs during each new run: exactly when the system tries to writethe data that has already been converted onto the database.
"&2 Mapping records have been converted for &1 successfully"
This message is for Support. It is a success message.
Data records for individual tables are converted per package. Thismessage is issued when the package has been converted.
"A total of &2 mapping records have been converted for &1 successfully"
This message is for Support. It is a success message.
If all data records in a table have been converted, this message isissued. It displays how many data records were converted.
"Source release is >= 4.0. Conversion is not necessary."
This message is for Support. It is an information message.
The XPRA only needs to run for upgrades of source releases < 4.0A as newtables are used as of 4.0A, thus making conversion unnecessary. If anupgrade is executed for a source release >= 4.0A, this message isdisplayed to indicate that conversion does not need to be executed.