You can use the report COM_PCAT_STG_INDEX_CLEANUP to automaticallyremove obsolete catalog variant versions from the TREX server.
We recommend that you run this report periodically to guarantee thatdisk space is always available on the TREX server.

To perfom this report you need system administration authorization forthe TREX server.

You can use this report to remove inactive and obsolete indexes, andindexes with errors that are older than the number of free selecteddays, from the TREX server.
Alternatively, you can remove running indexes that are older than twodays from the TREX server.
You can manually run the report in simulation mode, which means that therelevant indexes are listed, but no indexes are deleted.

In the field RFC_DEST, enter the RFC destination of the TREXserver landscape.
Select the index type you want to remove; you have two options:
Standard: Indexes with the status Inactive, Obsolete
, or Error can be removed immediately
Running: Indexes that have had the status Running for morethan two days due to errors can be removed
This avoids interrupting an indexing process that is running withouterrors.
If you select Standard, enter the number of days since the indexwas generated in the field Days.
If you select Running, enter the number of days since theindexing process has been started in the field Rundays.
If you want to run the report in simulation mode, activate Simulate