SAP Program COM_PCAT_MASS_DOC_IMPORT - Mass import of documents for product catalog items

Mass Import of Multimedia Documents for Product Catalogs

This report enables you to automatically import multimedia documentsthat are already available in a file system and assign these documentsto product catalog items. The items are identified using a productnumber. An item is created if a corresponding one is not available.
A simple text file, which can be created using the normal spreadsheetprograms or simple text editors, is used as a basis for the import.This text file should be made up as follows:
The first line is ignored, its content is insignificant and can, forexample, contain the headings of the columns. The remaining linescorrespond to the document that is to be imported and contain 3 to 4columns with:
The product number of the catalog item that the document is to be addedto
The number of the catalog area in which the item is located or in whichit is to be created if it has not yet been created
The complete file name, including the path of the document that is toimported and assigned. Make sure that the import takes place on thefrontend, that is the frontend must be able to read the file from aspecified path
The document type of the document. This specification is optional, makesure that the document type for the catalog is valid for yourapplication (that is to say that a corresponding folder for templates,for items of the catalog type is available)
Two formats are supported for dividing columns: "Tab-delimited", thatis the columns are separated using tabulator characters or "commaseparated", that is the columns are separated using semi colons (oranother character that is not used in the column contents).


Required parameters are the product catalog and the name of the textfile that contains information about the documents that are to beimported.
You can determine that all documents are to be considered aslanguage-independent, with the "language-independent documents"parameter. You can specify a language in the field "document type" ifthe indicator is not set.
The "file format" parameter enables you to inform the system whichformat the text file has. You can use another separators in addition tothe semi colon that is suggested as a default for: "comma separatedvalues"
If you set the "Delete catalog contents" parameter, all of the catalogitems are deleted before the import.
If you set the "Subsequently activate items" parameter, all of theitems are activated after the import.

Example for constructing a "comma separated values" file:
Product number;Catalog area;File;Document type
100001;AREA1;C:\My Documents\Images\100001_small.gif;CRM_THUMB
100001;AREA1;C.\My Documents\Images\100001_large.jpg;CRM_IMAGE
100002;AREA1;C:\My Documents\Images\100002_small.gif;CRM_THUMB