SAP Program SAPMF61H - Overview of Heating Systems

The SAPMF61H module pool is used for maintaining (central) heatingsystems. It processes the master data and the assignment of settlementunits to a (central) heating system.
In addition, user fields and meters (for example, for fuel consumption)can be entered. The Plant Maintenance (heating system as functionallocation) and Materials Management are connected as well. The dialogbox for displaying the master data can be called during assignment tosettlement units.
The master data screen includes fields for the settlement (external orinternal) and details about the fuel. If a settlement company isentered, the (central) heating systems participate in an externalsettlement. You need to enter the settlement company classification keyand the type and "storage capacity". If a plant and material numberhave been preassigned, the stock level can be evaluated by theMaterials Management. In other cases, you must make a manualevaluation. The fuel meters that can be accessed from "Extras" can beevaluated.
The assignment of settlement units includes entry details of a postingunit for the external settlement costs and a list of settlement unitsthat take on the costs of the (central) heating systems. In"Environment" you can branch to the display dialog of the settlementunits. F4 on the Recipient key field generates a list of settlementunits belonging to the business entity.

The standard component "Materials management" must be installed forassigning material numbers. The same applies to the component "Plantmaintenance" if the (central) heating systems are to be given afunctional location. Furthermore, some Customizing settings arenecessary. Details of these follow.

The tables used in the dialog (changed with (X))
VIOB01: Business entity
MARA: Material data
VIAK04: Assignment of settlement variants to the settlement unit
VIAK08: (Central) heating systems master data table (X)
VIAK09: Assignment of settlement units (X)
VIOB29: Relationship between Real Estate objects and SAP-PM (X);
VZSORT: User fields (X)
VIZA01: Meter for incidental expenses consumption(X)
VIZA02: Meter readings of incidental expenses consumption meters(X).

Customizing Views
VTIPZB(2): Parameter(s) per company code
VTIV05: Service charges key
VTIV06: Characteristics of service charge key
VTIV50: Settlement company
VTIV54: Assignment of fuel types with service charge keys

Further Customizing settings
T001: Company code
T006: Dimensions and units
T001W: Plant (for Materials Management)

Calling standard applications and functions
Material management: Link through MARA table for displaying thematerial
data transaction MM03; The evaluation of fuels
through material management must be activated
in Customizing; The entry in the "Plant" field has
to be the same as in Customizing
Plant maintenance Call FB IMMO_PM_OBJEKT_ZUORD (functional location)
Save the assignment in table VIOB29
Dimensions: Call FB DIMENSION_GET and DIMENSION_CHECK for fuel.
VIZA01 and VIZA02 tables; an additional number range
(HZ) must be created in Customizing for the IMKEY.