SAP Program SAPKKA08 - Actual Results Analysis: Sales Orders with Actual Postings

You use this program to perform analysis for sales document items. Inaddition to standard collective processing, the sales document itemsare restricted by selecting only the items on which actual postingshave been recorded within a specified time period.
You use this program when you are interested in results analysis for aspecific day, and for performance reasons you only want to process theitems whose actual data has changed since the previous day.Results analysis data istherefore only calculated for the sales document items for which actualpostings were recorded within the specified time period. Note, however,that results analysis data also can change in the following cases:

  • You change plan data.

  • Results analysis summarizes different account assignment objects on a
  • sales document item (such as manufacturing orders or other salesdocument items). The actual data on the summarized account assignmentobjects change.
    • The status of the sales document item changes, which causes a different
    • valuation method to be used.
      • You use results analysis method 8 (simplified customizing) or profit
      • indicator K (expert mode) and create a billing document. The cost ofsales changes.
        • You use results analysis method 14 or 15 (simplified customizing) or
        • results analysis type B, profit indicator M or Q (expert mode), andchange prices. The simulated revenue changes.
          • You enter manual results analysis data.

          • This program does not recalculate the results analysis data in any ofthese cases. This can result in the results analysis data for a salesdocument item not being recalculated even though results analysis wouldin fact calculate new values if it were run. It is thereforerecommended that you run results analysis at least once a period usingstandard collective processing.
            In the selection conditions, you enter the exact beginning and endingtime period (including the seconds). The program searches fordocuments of salesdocument items entered or generated by the system within this timeperiod, and selects only the sales document items for which actualpostings or actual revenue postings exist. The postingdate does not have to lie within the specified time period.
            Each document shows the exact time (in Greenwich Mean Time) at which itwas created. The start date and end date are converted to GreenwichMean Time before selection. If documents are entered in different timezones, therefore, the indicated time is always the local time of theapplication server where you start results analysis.

            The program accesses the line item table COEP. If database selectiontakes a long time, it is advisable to create a customer-specific indexcontaining the following fields in this specific order: MANDT, WRTTP,KOKRS, TIMESTMP, and OBJNR. In this way, the system only needs toaccess the index during the selection. It is no longer necessary toaccess the actual database table all the while you do not modify theselection criteria.
            You can test the selection of the program by entering thecommand field SELECT. Thenonly the relevant sales document items are selected and output in asingle-level list. No processing takes place.


190816CO cutoff period for Transactions KABG and KABM
181060Daily results analysis for sales orders/documents
212899Results analysis calculates incorrect values