SAP Program SAPF190 - Financial Accounting Comparative Analysis

The program carries out an extended reconciliation within FinancialAccounting. As part of G/L month-end closing, the following consistencychecks are performed:
Debit and credit transaction figures from customer, vendor, and G/Laccounts are compared with debit and credit totals from posteddocuments (previously a function of program SAPF070).
Debit and credit transaction figures from customer, vendor, and G/Laccounts are compared with debit and credit totals from applicationindexes (secondary index).
The application indexes are used within the system for accounts managedon an open item basis or for line item display.
All reconciliation results are connected to historical data. Therefore,you can establish reports on how accurate comparison processes are andwhether they are carried out at the right time.

You can limit the comparative analysis by specifying selectioncriteria, for example, the company code or fiscal year. You can alsoset the type of reconciliation by using a parameter. To do this, enterat least one compare parameter.
Using the "Display history" parameter, you can display the results ofprior reconciliations. If you select "Display history", the programdoes not include the other selection parameters during selection (suchas company code, compare parameter, and so on).

If you carry out a comparative analysis, the system outputs thecorresponding account totals. If the debit and credit totals differbetween the account and documents, or account and application indexes,then the program also displays the difference amount and differenceaccount.
If you want to display the history, the program lists allreconciliations carried out. The status displays the followinginformation:
Status Okay: No differences found. You can display the debit andcredit totals calculated.
Status Error: Differences found. You can display the debit andcredit totals calculated and accounts with differences.

We recommend that you close the posting periods to be compared. Thisway you rule out the following happening when comparing the transactionfigures:
- With documents: A document being posted, which leads to a programtermination SAPF070 program documentation
- With application indexes: An open item being cleared, which modifiesthe secondary indexes during the program run.
The comparative analysis can take several hours to run. The dataselection should therefore be executed in the background (batch-job).
Differences in the application indexes are often caused by changing the"Line item display" setting in the G/L account. For more informationsee OSS note 31875

Company code authorization,,(F_BKPF_BUK)

107530EMU: balance display and line items
1467114Open item total not checked against carryforward
195515Installing ZFINDEX
636442Inconsistencies between FI and MM-IM
862523mySAP ERP New General Ledger: New functions as of SP 10
636502Inconsistencies between FI and SD-BIL
193713SAPF070: Change of fiscal year variant
323813FV60/FB60: document created without secondary index
789881FI Control totals verification fails
433087FV50: Document does not update transaction figures
86067SAPF190: Differences INDIZES - BALANCES
129042EMU: MQ519 in RFEWUC1F despite existing indexes