SAP Program SAPF180N - Set Up Balance Sheet Adjustment

Program SAPF180N lets you use balancesheet readjustment for documents which were posted in a releaseprior to 3.0.
Documents posted prior to Release 3.0 are not included in readjustmentbecause the balance sheet readjustment function was designed to analyzedocuments and mark those that require readjustment when they areposted.
To set up the balance sheet readjustment for these documents, enter thedate on which you upgraded your system to Release 3.0 or later. Thisdate is the last day on which you were still working with a releaseprior to 3.0. The program does not select documents which were postedafter this date since the new function was already available when thesedocuments were posted.
To determine the lower limit of the documents to be selected, proceedas follows:

  • If you were already using business area allocation (program
  • RFGAUF00):
    Enter the last reporting period in which a business areaallocation was made.
    The program then selects all customer and vendor open items at the endof the period as well as all documents posted as of the next period.
    • If you were not using business area allocation:

    • Enter the date from which you require a balance sheetreadjustment.
      The program then selects all documents posted as of this date as wellas all customer and vendor open items on the day before.

      Balance sheet readjustment can only be made if the "Business areabalance sheets" indicator is activated in the respective company code.It is not possible to simply activate it right before you create abalance sheet at the end of a period or year. This indicator must beactivated before the first document is posted.
      If you have documents which were posted without the "Business areabalance sheets" indicator being activated, proceed as follows:

      • Select the "Business area balance sheet" indicator between two working
      • days so that all documents entered on the one day are posted when theindicator is deactivated and all documents entered on the next day areposted when the indicator is activated.
        • Start this program and enter as the upper limit the last day on which
        • postings were made when the "Business area balance sheet" indicator wasnot activated (Date of Release 3.0 upgrade).

          This program can be run only once for each company code. If you run itmore than once, the system might store duplicate data records in thedatabase.

          The log shows you how many documents and customer and vendoropen items were selected and, if any at all, marked for readjustmentper company code.

          Further Information
          See the documentation for the other subfunctions:

          • Calculating the distribution for the posted documents.

          • IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
            • Posting the distribution.

            • IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
              • Displaying the logs of existing posting runs.

              • IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
                • Reversing an incorrect posting run.

                • IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
                  • Redetermining the adjustment accounts if you changed the account
                  • determination or it was incomplete at the time of calculation.
                    IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'

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